GIEC : « Échec et mat » ?

On September the 17th

Object :« GIEC : « Checkmate” ? ! » C/O World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland Email : [To the attention of Rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman] Ladies and Gentlemen, I sent you twice by email, i.e. on the 2nd and the 6th of this month, the following message enclosed with my letter, but I am sorry to note, that it still remains today without answer. However it contained an important question, which seems sufficient for definitively invalidating the pretentious arrogance of the XXIe century’s human beings to establish on our planet a custom-made climate for the eternity. Nevertheless, if you really think, that this argument is not sufficient for invalidating your « climatic dream », you do have at least to demonstrate it, otherwise it is only a question of faith like in religion, i.e. scientist religion, or materialistic metaphysics in fact. So, without a demonstrative answer of yours at my question, I will send you a more detailed letter for establishing the definitive impossibility of having a custom-made climate on earth. In the expectation of your contrary demonstration, I thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen, for your attention.

First message On the 6th of September, C/O World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH- 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland

Email :

[To the particular attention of Rajendra K. Pachauri]

Ladies and Gentlemen,I would be very interested by your scientifically and philosophically argumentative answer to the following question : « In an universe, which is perpetually in movement, and where EVERYTHING is in a constant movement, that is the  UNIQUE cause of the unceasing transformation of all the things of our world, human beings included,  HOW would-it be possible to definitively stabilize anything, and thus to establish on the planet a custom-made climate for the eternity, excepted by stopping this movement itself, precisely ? »They are very strong these humans of the XXIe century, and they surely have no doubts about their pretentious arrogance. Nevertheless, only when you will give a credible answer to this question, i.e a scientifically demonstrated explanation, the human beings will cease to be handled on the climatic warming and the so-called means to remedy it – but until proof of the contrary, it’s not for to-morrow ! Up to there, I inform you, that I am always waiting for an answer on the same question to my letter addressed to Nicolas Sarkozy on September the18th 2008, and to Jean-Louis Borloo on January 20th 2009, but these letters are at your entire disposal. However, in the expectation of your own answer, I thank you for your attention. Yours sincerely

À propos de guyboussens

Disciple de Spinoza et de son héritier spirituel, le philosophe juif allemand Constantin Brunner (1862-1937), je n'ai d'autre but que d'être leur porte-parole posthume pour divulguer la voie et la voix de LA Vérité éternelle absolue - sauf, évidemment, aux menteurs de toutes sortes [Médias, politiciens, prétendus intellectuels, pseudo-philosophes, et associations droits-de-l'hommiste, moralisatrices à sens unique] de démontrer le contraire, comme je l'attends depuis plus de dix ans, tant sont grandes leur lâcheté et leur malhonnêteté intellectuelles, ainsi que mon texte fondateur, Mensonges et lâcheté des élites, en donne un large aperçu sur le fond et les dénonce nommément.
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